Green plum also known as greengage is one of the crispiest fruits consumed during the summer season and 6-7 pieces of green plums contain 60 calories.
This fruit has many health benefits whereby it contains a lot of nutrients such as Vitamin C, vitamin K (antioxidant - fights cancer) and Vitamin K (good for bone health).
Green plum or greengage also contains flavonoids (anti inflammatory and antioxidant effect), Phenolic acids, antioxidants (anticancer effect) and fibers (helps digestion).
How to prepare greengage pickles?
To make this recipe you need to poke the greengage and soak it with the water, sugar, and salt solution.
For each cup of water you need one table spoon of salt and half table spoon of sugar.
You can start eating your greengage pickles after 10 days.
This is quick and delicious recipe! Try greengage pickles with fish and BBQ.
Greengage Recipe Source: manal.massoud