Here is our lovely mighty zinger meal which is one of the best meals done by Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant. Its more than just a regular chicken burger in taste and even in size but I decided to change its name today to Mighty Trouble. I concluded this after going through the nutritional values information of KFC.
One meal contains 1028 kilo Calories which is the highest among all the meals in the menu. In addition to that, it contains 54.6 grams of fat, both trans and saturated. If only this meal contains all that, just think of adding it up with all what you may consume for the rest of the day and you will find that you've exceeded the limit of required calories per day which is between 1500 and 2000 determined based on sex and age.
We can reduce the calories we take in this meal by leaving out the french fries and the soft drink as well and just having the burger on its own. Its not about depriving ourselves but its about not making such a meal a daily stuff we eat. Once in a while is not a big deal so far we are just moderate.