Have you ever been outside in the middle of July and seen swarms of dragonflies?
Of all the flying insects, dragon flies just might be the most charming and beautiful.
Dragonflies are large and strong. They have big, compound eyes, which means that each eye is made up of thousands of tiny eyes, allowing the dragonfly to see in all directions.
Their large wings are always held out straight, both while in flight and while resting.
Dragonflies hunt, catch and eat insects. They are harmless to humans; they don’t bite or sting.
In fact, you could even say that they are helpful, since they eat the insects that tend to annoy us the most, like mosquitoes and flies.
Dragonflies live in most parts of the world, but they prefer to live near ponds and lakes.
They like warm weather; in fact, you won’t see them at all until temperatures reach at least the mid-60s.
They need to warm up in the sun during the mornings before they take off.
The dragonfly is a great flyer. They can even fly backwards.
As insects, they have six legs, but their long, heavy bodies and long wings make walking difficult for them, so they do almost everything mid-flight.