The 9th Digestive Diseases & Endoscopy Symposium which is organized by New Mowasat Hospital is currently taking place at Al-Hashemi II Hall, Radisson blu Hotel, Kuwait.
It is a two full-day postgraduate course (13-14 October 2018) focusing on the recent advances of digestive endoscopy and its utility in the management of related gastrointestinal diseases. The Symposium will include both lectures and interactive video case presentations.
This combination of state-of-the-art lectures, mini-symposia, unedited videos and breakout sessions will provide an excellent opportunity for discussion and interaction between participants and outstanding experts.
At the end of each day, time will be allocated to present the main take-home messages. This will be followed by related-quizzes. The winners will receive endoscopy-related gifts.
The Symposium is designed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, internists, oncologists, pediatricians, GPs and family practitioners, radiologists, pathologists, nurses, and biomedicals.
The learning objectives of the Symposium include:
1. Discussing indications, utility, safety and local applicability of the latest endoscopic techniques,
2. Comparing and contrasting methods for effective endoscopic management of digestive diseases and
3. Participating in an interactive discussion to evaluate multidisciplinary plans of digestive diseases management.
To encourage young physicians, two emerging gastroenterologists who are interested in digestive endoscopy will be selected to participate in different activities of the Symposium. Awardees will receive Rising Star status according to their track record of digestive endoscopy practice and research.
- Bariatric endoscopy
- Therapeutic ERCP
- Pancreatic endoscopy
- Diagnostic and therapeutic EUS
- Mucosal resection and submucosal dissection
- Metabolic Endoscopy
- Submucosal endoscopy
- Endoscopic FTR
- Endoscopy for Barrett's esophagus
- Hemostasis of GI bleeding
- Capsule endoscopy
- Update in Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- Advances in diagnosis and therapy of IBD
- Management of endoscopic complications
- Image-enhanced endoscopy
- High-Resolution Manometry and pH studies
For more details,
click here to see the Symposium Programme
Below are photos taken on 13 October 2018 (Day 1) in the morning:

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