Loaded Potato Skins is one of the appetizers in TGI Fridays restaurant and it consists of potato skins loaded with melted cheddar and served with sour cream and green onions.
Ingredients: potato skins, cheddar cheese, sour cream, green onions
Calories in Fridays Loaded Potato Skins: 840 Calories
Fat Calories in Fridays Loaded Potato Skins: 440 Calories
Total Fats in Loaded Potato Skins: 49 grams
Saturated Fat: 18 grams
Trans Fat: 0 grams
Sodium: 880 mg
Protein: 26 grams
Carbohydrate: 84 grams
Cholesterol: 85 grams
Fibre: 12 grams
Sugars: 5 grams
Note: Pieces of Bacon are added on top of the melted cheese.
Information and Photo Source: www.tgifridays.com