The new season of Celebrity Duets started on MTV Lebanon and this season is very different since many details changed compared to other seasons that were on LBC.
The stars of 2015 Celebrity Duets are: Syrian actor Bassem Yakhour, Lebanese actress Cynthia Khalife, Lebanese Chef Antoine ElHajj, Lebanese actress Joy Karam, Egyptian actor Edward, Lebanese actress Lauren Kodeih, Lebanese TV host Micheal Kazzi, Tunisian Actor Moez AlToumi, Lebanese comedian actress Rola Chamieh, Lebanese host Sana Nasr, Syrian actress Shoukran Murtaja, Lebanese actor Toni Issa and Lebanese actor Wissam Saliba.
Stars of Celebrity Duets
The new host of celebrity Duets is the beautiful Annabella Hilal that was the host of Arab Idol on MBC and the new judges are Mona AbouHamze and Tarek Aboujaoude but Ousama AlRahbani was there since season 1.
Celebrity Duets judges: Osama Rahbani, Mona AbouHamze and Tarek AbouJaoude
As for the first prime, we can say that Celebrity Duets made a very good start and the guest stars were Najwa Karam, Aiman Zbib, Brigite Yaghi, Amer Zayyan and Anthony Touma.
Annabella Hilal was also professional as usual and her look was so captivating. The dress is by Le Lobby, hair by Fadia Mendelek and Makeup by May Kassis.
Host of Celebrity Duets Annabella Hilal
As for the gorgeous Najwa Karam, her 3 dresses were by Nicolas Jebran, the hair by Tony Sawaya Salon and the makeup by Wassim Mogabgab.
No one can be better than Najwa to make such a great opening!
Najwa Karam looks in Celebrity Duets
Celebrity Duets will be shown live on MTV Lebanon every Sunday at 9:00 pm according to Beirut time and you can also watch it on MBC 4 channel.