This Mansaf recipe is amazing , easy to prepare, and very delicious.
The first step is to boil the meat.
Once done, add the jameed and then add the boiling water gradually until we reach the desired consistency.
Rice: I like to mix two types and it turns out better. A cup of American rice and a cup of Egyptian rice.
Each cup rice requires a cup and a half of boiling water or beef stock.
And salt and turmeric.
Bread in the bottom of the tray, then rice, topped with jameed, meat, and fried nuts. Nothing better.
How do you eat it depends on you, with a spoon or with your hands. The important thing is that it’s fabulous no matter what.
I used liquid jameed from Kasih and it was amazing and much easier than stone.
And for boiling the meat I used instant pot.

Source: thekitcheneditor