Like leptin, adiponectin is a regulatory molecule produced by our fat cells.
Unlike leptin, however, adiponectin will be produced in lower supplies (not greater supplies) by our fat cells when we overeat and start storing up too much unwanted body fat.
Adiponectin acts somewhat like a “fat protector,” making sure that enough fat will be around in times of short energy supplies.
However, excessive and continual overeating that results in chronic deficiency of adiponectin is harmful, not helpful, to our health.
Adiponectin is one of the anti-inflammatory fat-cell-produced molecules that suffers when fat cells become overly loaded with fat.
And when the production of adiponectin drops, the body’s ability to balance blood sugar also drops.
The reason is simple.
Adiponectin produced by fat cells is a protein that helps insulin bind onto cells and encourages the flow of sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells.
When fat cells stop producing enough adiponectin, too much sugar stays in the blood.

Text Source: Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting Book