• 64% expect a better life in 2023
• 48% (UAE) and 44% (KSA) plan to travel more
• Around 20% will increase their big budget expenditures
• 30% plan to spend less time on social media
The beginning of a new year provides a chance for many people to establish new goals and commit to better habits; Toluna, a leading market research, consumer insights, and technology provider, polled consumers in KSA and UAE to find out what they are planning to do in 2023 to lead a better, healthier, more fulfilling life, or in another words what are their New Year’s resolutions. While we always expect consumers to prioritize resolutions related to a healthier lifestyle such as increasing their healthy food intake, exercising more frequently, and traveling more, 6 in 10 individuals polled are hopeful that their lives will be considerably better in 2023 in relation to the previous years, despite global economic concerns. According to the report, 92% of UAE inhabitants and 91% of Saudi residents are optimistic that they will stick to their 2023 resolutions.
The study also found that the majority of those polled in both markets intend to maintain a healthy lifestyle and place an emphasis on eating healthy foods, with 64% in the UAE and 63% in KSA, while (61% vs 58%) intend to exercise more and (52% vs 58%) intend to spend more quality time with family and friends. Those focusing on a healthy eating plan are more likely to consume fresh food (64% vs 55%) and to purchase products with high nutritional value and healthy ingredients (63% in UAE vs 52% in KSA), while (49% vs 41%) are more likely to make food choices that will contribute to a sustainable environment.
Georges Akkaoui, Enterprise Account Director Toluna MEA
"It's really encouraging to see the kinds of changes UAE and KSA residents are embracing as part of their resolution for 2023, such as adopting healthier consumption habits, making better food choices planning to save time on social media to increase productivity, and traveling more. These findings tell us that people are looking for ways to improve themselves and their lives in a healthier and more optimistic manner. The challenge is always to stick to these resolutions, yet the trend is there for market players to cater to these consumers" said Georges Akkaoui, Enterprise Account Director Toluna MEA , commenting on the survey’s findings.
The survey also revealed that 48% of UAE residents plan to travel more versus 44% for KSA.
Among these travel enthusiasts, around 53% plan to take an average of four international trips in 2023; The top destinations for UAE residents are Turkey, KSA and UK whereas KSA residents favor UAE, Turkey, and Egypt
On another note, despite the inflationary pressure and rising prices on spending patterns, 23% of UAE residents vs 20% in the KSA are planning to spend a considerable portion of their budget on a new car (66% vs 65%), high-end equipment (59% vs 51%), and acquiring properties/houses (58% vs 56%).
Another New Year's goal revealed by the poll is that 30% of UAE residents intend to spend less time on social media, mostly Instagram and Facebook, while 31% in Saudi Arabia intend to spend less time on Instagram and Snapchat.