Here are 7 Detailed Advantages of Laptops:
Multiple Uses
By their nature, portable computers are generally much more useful than desktops. Except for a mere handful of exceptions, portables can do anything that a desktop can, plus a range of other tasks that would be impossible for desktops. The chief strength of the portable is its freedom from the desk. It can be used almost anywhere. Indeed, anywhere a human can go without protective clothing, so can a laptop. Some uses for a laptop would not even make sense for a desktop. For example, an increasing number of notebook computers are being equipped with GPS antennas and mapping software. The same could be done with desktops, of course, but with much less interesting results.
Ideal for People with Multiple Workplaces
For many people, the idea of working in a single workplace is no longer practical. Many workers have to travel as part of their job, whether across the country or around a metropolitan region. Even those workers who never travel may find it advantageous to bring work home, or to work while commuting. For all these workers, the notebook computer is ideal.
Instead of going through the expense of purchasing a desktop computer for each workplace, you can buy a single notebook. The notebook can be carried with you, from one workplace to another. If its battery is charged up, it can even be used while en route from one workplace to the other.
Flat-Panel Displays
The days of eyestrain-inducing low-contrast displays for laptops are long gone. The screens now adorning the latest notebooks are as good as if not better than most desktop monitors. The proof of this point is that an increasing number of desktop users are paying a significant premium to be able to enjoy the same flat-panel displays used on notebooks.
There are three main benefits of the flat screens used on notebooks. The first is, of course, its flatness. Unlike most CRT screens, it does not bow out slightly in the middle. Instead, it is perfectly flat, just as a piece of paper. Many new CRT displays are emulating this flat-screen look to a remarkable degree. But even on these screens, the center of the display tends to bow out toward the user ever so slightly.
The second advantage is size. Actually, there are two benefits in this category. The first is plain truthfulness. The fact is that a 15-inch CRT monitor does not actually measure 15 inches diagonally. The usable display space is only about 14 inches in size. By convention, CRT manufacturers for some reason measure not just the usable display space on these monitors but the entire front surface of the tube. By contrast, with LCD screens, the manufacturers have been more honest. As you might expect, a 15-inch screen actually measures 15 inches.
The viewable surface is, of course, only one aspect of a screen’s size. There is also the thickness to con- sider. Here, LCDs have a huge advantage. The traditional CRT monitor may be as thick as it is tall.
The end result is that these monitors take up an extraordinary amount of desk space. By contrast, an LCD screen may be only 2 inches thick or less. But a laptop does an even better job of saving space: On these systems the LCD screen is usually less than a half-inch thick.
The third advantage of flat-panel screens is their sharpness. If you look at a CRT screen under high magnification, you will see that each pixel has indistinct borders and is slightly blurry. Sometimes the pixels exhibit microscopic jittery motions. Under the same magnification on an LCD screen, however, you’ll see pixels with distinctly sharp edges and no jittery motion at all.

Low Energy Consumption
In these days of energy consciousness, laptops have a tremendous advantage over desktops. Even an Energy Star–compliant desktop system uses up a fairly large amount of electricity.
Portable Systems Background their systems powered up most of the day would be surprised to find out how much this adds to their monthly electrical bill. Notebook computers do not generally comply with the government’s Energy Star conservation initiative. The simple reason is that they do not need to; they already use comparatively little electricity.
Built in UPS
Power failures can be real calamities for computer users. When power is cut off to a system, everything in memory disappears. If the system was writing something to a disk, the write process may have been only partially completed, leading to a corrupted disk. In some cases whole files may be lost; in the worst case, a whole disk. To avoid this danger, many computer users have gone to considerable expense to purchase an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This is a battery-powered device that will keep a system powered for a few minutes after a power failure so that it can be shut down properly.
The cost of a UPS may be several hundred dollars. Notebook computers are already equipped with a very good uninterruptible power supply. It is called the notebook’s battery, and it will last not just for a few minutes, but for a few hours. If you work in an area where the local power company is not reliable, a notebook computer is a must.
Integrated Design
Notebook computers have a highly integrated design. All components are assembled by the manufacturer and tested prior to sale. By contrast, in the case of some small desktop vendors, components may be thrown together without sufficient testing, leading to all sorts of headaches for the user.
More Space Efficient
Even the largest notebook computers can be safely hidden inside a desk drawer. Indeed, some thin and light notebooks are so small that you might be able to stash several of these devices in a single drawer. On a small or cluttered desk, a notebook can easily find enough space for a home. In small offices, a notebook’s ability to save space is highly appreciated. Ecologically oriented users will also be interested to know that at the end of the notebook’s useful life, it will take up less space in a community’s waste stream.
Information Source: Upgrading and Repairing Laptops Book