Beat The Chill...
The chilly season is fast approaching, and our cold weather clothing
has everything you need to stay warm and cosy this season.
Available Online : whatsApp 78/868386
And in all DT Stores:
DT Dbayeh :04/410222
DT Zalka :01/895595
DT Dekweneh :01/485116
DT Ghazir :09/856025
DT Jbeil :09/545353
DT Kousba :06/510276
DT Zahle :08/814151
DT Mansouriye :01/696596
DT Furn el Chebback: 01/286444
DT Furn el Chebbak: 01/288222
DT Zouk 09/222608
DT Tripoli:06/445004
DT Jeans s.a.r.l 01/494222