Back to school festival is currently running in all Sultan Center TSC branches.
It's so easy to participate. For every 10 KD you spend using TSC Rewards card, you will have one chance to enter the four weekly draws and win!
The prices are valuable and special! 12 scholarships of a value 1000 KD each, in addition to hundreds of other prices as dinner invitations from Pickles Restaurant, 50, 75, and 100 KD TSC gift vouchers!
The prices will be given to 120 winners based on 4 draws of 30 winners each. Draw dates are:
- 2/9/2014 (the draw was held and the winner is Mohammad Abdulghani, who won a scholarship valued 1000 KD cash)
- 9/9/2014
- 16/9/2014
- 28/9/2014
Don't miss the chance and head to the nearest TSC branch to start shopping or call 1844449 for any inquiries.