Diwaniyas are informal social gatherings, usually of Kuwaiti men, at which people meet to discuss issues ranging from business to football, and from politics to literature.
Diwaniya literally means a place of assembly.
Etymologically, the name originates from the Arabic word diwan, which means the office in which the Amir meets and talks with his subjects.
Nowadays, however, Diwaniyas serve many different purposes, as family, public and even political meeting places. The structure housing the Diwaniya itself has also been transformed in recent years.
Traditionally, the Diwaniya would be held in a large tent, with cushions upon which to sit, whereas it is now common to find permanent structures built specifically for Diwaniya.
Family Diwaniyas play a vital role in reinforcing strong ties between the extended families.

In the eighteenth century, major families set up an extension to their main house where they met with guests and discussed important issues. Weddings and funeral ceremonies for the male side of the family would also be held there. This tradition continues up to the present day.
The main room is often a U-shape, with the elders of the family seated at the head to meet guests and direct discussion. So important is the family element of the Diwaniya that many major families have built and named public Diwaniyas.
Diwaniyas also serve an important political and social function. Some Kuwaiti politicians hold Diwaniyas for their constituents.
Citizens can then come to talk to their MP face-to-face, in a conversation that is both practical, allowing an MP to talk directly to his constituents, and social, allowing Kuwaitis to bond and socialise.
Politicians have even employed the Diwaniya in political campaigns, as a way to meet and court potential voters.
The tradition of using Diwaniya for political functions dates back to The First Amir of Kuwait, HH Sabah the First, who used to visit many Diwaniyas so as to learn of public grievances.
This tradition is continued to this day by the current Amir and other dignitaries.
Although Diwaniyas are normally an exclusively male gathering, women often hold their own gatherings, simultaneously with the male meeting.
Diwaniyas are an important way of preserving the time-honored culture of Kuwait, and an important meeting place for many people.
The Diwaniya is a cherished tradition in Kuwait, as important today as ever.
Text Source: Over To You Student's Book
Photo Source: AlRai